Peter & Cindy 선교사 September 2019

2019-09-23 12:50
Read the Oh's latest update for news and prayer requests.
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Dear Jake

Summer has been busy with various ministry trips and traveling to an area retreat. We've also experienced some disappointments as well, but we try not to be discouraged and press on. Please read below for our latest news and prayer requests.

Thank you always for standing with us. Again, all prayer requests are in blue color below.

So millions of Muslims would LOVE the Messiah,
-Peter, Cindy, David, Nora, & Faith
The Oh's: Serving Arabs from the Middle East since 2005.
The street which we frequent when we are in Bursa. It is filled with Syrian shops and restaurants and Syrian people.
This summer, our team has been making frequent visits to the city of Bursa (about 2 hours from Istanbul). We're going again this weekend!!!! It is an unreached city of about 2 million, and 200,000 of them are Syrian. There is no known Arab church or fellowship there, and barely any Turkish church as well.  Below are some praises and prayers from our visits to Bursa:

'Andrew' & 'Peter'
Andrew was a contact through a media ministry.  To our (pleasant) surprise he brought a friend (Peter) with him to the meeting.  Both young men were eager to hear what we had to share, with hearts truly open to receive the Word of God.  During the meeting they prayed and called upon Jesus as their 'Master and Rescuer' and expressed great joy as they received bibles for the first time.  Since this meeting they have continued reading together and sharing with others.  They are currently traveling for work, and it may be a few weeks before we can see them again.  In the mean time, please ask God to protect the seeds of faith that were sown, that they would grow and multiply.

'Fadi' (and his nephew)
Fadi is a Muslim who studied philosophy at university in Syria.  He brought his 16 year old nephew to the meeting (without telling his nephew anything about the subject matter!)  Our meeting with him started with him sharing his background, faith journey, and questions.  We spent some time responding to some of his questions to clarify his misunderstandings about God and his Word. During the first portion of the meeting, he didn't seem overly receptive and we honestly didn't expect it to be a fruitful meeting.  However part way through the meeting, we observed a dramatic change in him (a clear testimony to God answering prayer and to the power of HIS Word).  We chose to study the story of The Fall in Genesis 3, and we were astonished to see how his posture and demeanor changed.  By the end of the meeting, his heart seemed wide open.  He reiterated the gospel message to us to clarify his understanding.  We concluded by reading with him the story of Nicodemus in John 3 (about new birth), and he responded eagerly saying "I believe this".  He was so thankful and joyful to discover that eternal life can start right now!  He prayed a simple prayer to express his dependence on Christ and thankfulness to God.  Pray for Fadi to continue to experience the power and truth of Christ on a heart level, and to share with others.

We followed up with Mark who has made a profession of faith during one of our summer trips here.  Please pray for Mark that God will multiply his time and increase his hunger to read the Word.  He works very long hours and has very little free time.  He hasn't been reading consistently and doesn't have fellowship, so in between the times when we go to visit him he has been growing cold.  Pray that God will light a fire in Mark to engage with Jesus in a deep love relationship!

For some reason, this summer also had a theme of disappointments. In our line of work, sometimes it seems inevitable that this happens. We want to keep pressing on, and in some ways it makes us more hungry and desperate for God to do a mighty work among these people. Please pray with us as you read these cases below....

  'ALI' called and said he wanted to meet with us, so Peter (and our Egyptian teammate) went to meet him at a cafe. He previously professed faith and have read the Scriptures together with us. In the past, he has mentioned how he planned to leave Turkey and migrate to Sweden, and was dead serious about it. But this time, he said it will be our last meeting together. He decided he will marry his boss's daughter (who is a Turkish widow). Her family is very strict and conservative muslims, and so Ali feels like he cannot continue for awhile with Christ if he wants to marry. Through this marriage, he will get Turkish citizenship. After he gets it, he says he will divorce her. We tried so hard to talk him out of it. We showed him Scriptures, but it seems he has chosen security over the Savior. Please pray that God would still work in Ali's life and that Christ will still be in his heart.
'ADAM' contacted Peter and asked to meet. He asked for Peter to help him financially to pay for his father's heart surgery in Syria. After verifying some things, we found out that his father is fine and not in the hospital at all. He had lied in order to get some money. Needless to say this has been very disappointing. He still has no job. Please pray that God provide a job for him very soon. But also for Peter to have wisdom on how to proceed with Adam.
  'MAHER' the Egyptian believer who previously had problems with persecution, homelessness, and expired passport had also met with Peter this summer. He is now on illegal status, has no job, barely making ends meet. Peter sends him Bible verses from time to time, but recently he replied back asking Peter to no longer send him verses, because they don't really help in real life in his difficult situation. We're still praying for him, but his situation really needs to get better. Pray God bring him a solution to his residency issues here.
OTHERS whom our teammates have been discipling for quite awhile suddenly left and went to another Arab church to get baptized because most likely they were able to obtain baptism certificates there giving them a greater chance to travel to the West. All that investment in time and suddenly they're gone to another ministry. 


Cindy has just started volunteering at another Refugee center a lot closer to our home. She is in charge of coordinating home visitations to Syrian women's families. Please pray that God open the hearts of these women who come and that they would be hungry for Christ's truth as the ladies in our center share with them. 
PRAYER REQUESTS - Pray for our family.... that we would always be spiritually healthy (in prayer, in the Word, in love with God, and doing well in community with others); and that our children would grow in relationship to the Lord, especially as the older ones are now teens.

Cindy's legsthank you for your prayers for Cindy's legs. She is still very much in recovery. She has undergone months of physical therapy with very little progress. But recently, she has been feeling less pain as she undergoes new exercises. This is a serious request. Sometimes, she uses a wheelchair when we go shopping or in malls to lessen the load on her legs.

Cindy and children's residency permits need to be applied for again soon. Pray for no complications and for 2 years residency!

- For 
Bursa: This weekend's Follow-up Bursa Trip. 'Andrew & Peter', 'Fadi & nephew', 'Mark', and others also whom we have met. Pray for God to plant churches among Arabs in this lost city.

- For 
Home Visits: As Cindy is now involved more with new home visits in these new neighborhoods and with this refugee center, that she'd quickly get to know and build relationships with Syrian women, and that God would open doors to people's hearts and to Jesus.

- For 'Ali', 'Adam', 'Maher', Others: that the Holy Spirit will convict all of them in their circumstances to read His word, pray, act in faith, repent of any sins, and cling to Him in whatever situation. Pray this not be the end for some of these men, but that God would pull their hearts back to them in a mighty way.

Thank you always for your partnership in prayer!!!!
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