Peter & Cindy 선교사 September 2018

2018-10-04 14:50
Read the Oh's latest update for news and prayer requests.
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Dear Jake

Dear praying partners, it has been awhile since we sent out our last update. Our Middle East Monthly has not been so "monthly", but we will try harder. This summer, as you know, we were in the States on home assignment. It has been around 3 weeks since we returned to Istanbul.

This will be a short update with one major prayer request for our residency permits. (Please read below). 

Thanks for partnering with us and joining with us in prayer as you read this update. Again, all prayer requests are in blue color below.
So millions of Muslims would LOVE the Messiah,
-Peter, Cindy, David, Nora, & Faith
The Oh's: Serving Arabs from the Middle East since 2005.

It took us awhile to get readjusted and fully settled back in-country. We were even able to take some extra rest after a busy summer, and we are now back into a steady routine. Peter & Cindy have returned to Syrian Arabic lessons, and the children are back in school. David was stressed but excited to finally have made the school JV soccer team and made the cut-off to be sent to Ankara for the extended overnight soccer tournament. He is quite excited about that. Nora is trying out new skills in baking. Faith is trying to get used to her new 3rd grade teacher. Last night, Faith came to us crying, saying after seeing a picture of her friends from Egypt, she missed Egypt and wishes to return. She wanted to know why God sent us out of such a great place with great memories. We spent some time talking to her, but please pray that Faith and also the older kids would come to understand and accept the providence of God and how He leads us, even when it's not the first thing we want. 


It's that time to renew our residency permits in Turkey. Actually, it's for everyone except Peter, who will renew in March. Peter is on a different timeline because of different passport validity dates (long story). This past year, the government has changed rules for non-working residency permits. Before, people used to get 5 years. Then it changed it 2 years (which we got last time). And now, we are hearing that they are giving anywhere from 6 months to 1 year. And some people are rejected and given only 10 days to leave the country. Needless to say, this has been a matter for prayer. The requirements have also changed, so it is requiring more time securing necessary documents and paperwork, getting things notarized, etc. Please pray that all the necessary documents will be obtained in a timely manner; that there would be no complications in the application process, and that the authorities will grant residency for Cindy and the kids for as long a period of time as is allowed. On another note, we want to give praises and thanks to God for moving our landlord's heart to renew our apartment lease for another 2 year contract. They had mentioned before that they wanted to sell it, so we were worried that we would have to move again, but we are able to stay. So hallelujah!!!

We'll send another update soon about all the ministries and individuals that we have written about before. Stay tuned!!!

- Pray for our family.... the past term with so many transitions, changes, and uncertainties have taken a toll. The home assignment seemed overly busy and stressful for us. We hang on to God and trust in Him for all things. Please pray that God would give each family member close and deep relationship with God, wisdom and guidance in our ministries, healthy relationships with Arabs, partners, and foreign workers, and the beginnings of a good next term for us to be faithful.
Praise to the Lord for our apartment rental lease to be renewed for another 2 years!!!
- Pray especially for our residency permits (applying soon for Cindy and the children), and Peter's renewal in March. Please pray for no complications. Humanly speaking, it seems like Egypt all over again with the residency issues we had. But we look to God and trust in Him for all things, putting our lives and ministries in His hands.  

- AS WE WRITE THIS RIGHT NOW.... our Team Leader is in a Middle Eastern country participating in training Syrian pastors to do more church planting. This is a strategic meeting and can have wide impact for Syria and the Syrian people. Pray for God's Spirit to rain down on this training and retreat.

Thank you always for your partnership in prayer!!!!

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